Notes on upgrading this MediaWiki

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Revision as of 21:58, 1 August 2005 by Keunwoo (talk | contribs) (fix spamblacklist update instructions)

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Note: the following are instructions for upgrading between minor versions; for major versions (x.y versions, as opposed to x.y.z versions), you should read the documentation for the revision.

Step 1: Backup LocalSettings.php

Step 2: Unpack MediaWiki tarfile into the proper directory

Step 3: Copy LocalSettings.php into $MEDIAWIKI_ROOT

Step N: Reinstall SpamBlacklist As far as I know, this must be reinstalled whenever you update MediaWiki to a new version; to do this, run the following:

cvs login
cvs co extensions/SpamBlacklist
cd extensions/SpamBlacklist
chmod +x load_lists

Then, follow the instructions in extensions/SpamBlacklist/README; in particular, ensure that the proper line is in LocalSettings.php.

Step N+1: Copy over the old $MEDIAWIKI_ROOT/extensions/SpamBlacklist/local_blacklist to the new tree.

Step N+K: Re-run the load_lists script periodically to get the latest spam blacklist.