Holiday Party 2018

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Revision as of 23:15, 28 November 2018 by Holiday (talk | contribs) (Clean up helper)

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The annual CSE Holiday Party is coming soon:

When: Friday, December 7, 2018, 6 pm.

Where: CSE Atrium, Paul Allen Center


The party starts at 6pm! Be sure to show up in time to eat food and watch the skits! For people taking leftovers to the after-party, please help clean up on your way out.

6:00: Dinner

6:45: (Dr.) CSE

7:15: Faculty Skit

7:40: Grad student skit

10:00: After party


CSE Atrium, Paul Allen Center.

Volunteer Sign-Up

To sign up, just add your name to the wiki.

Note, to make edits on the wiki, you'll need to be logged in. If you don't already have a wiki account, just use:

u: Holiday

p: party

Grad skit director: Matt Johnson

Camera-person: Dallas Card

After-party host: Gus; event information here


  1. Erin Wilson -- Ice cream
  2. Christine Geeng -- Castella cake (contains eggs)
  3. Kendall Stewart -- chocolate cake w/lemon icing (dairy, eggs)
  4. Peter West -- cinnamon rolls (contains eggs, gluten, the frosting contains dairy)
  5. Maureen Daum -- brownies (gluten)
  6. Rashmi Mudduluru -- strawberries
  7. Dustin Richmond -- Pies (Type TBD, Gluten, Butter)
  8. Nikita Haduong -- Tiramisu (egg, dairy, alcohol, gluten, caffeine)

Set up helper

  1. Lee Organick
  2. Chandrakana Nandi
  3. Nick Walker
  4. Naveena Karusala

Clean up helper

  1. Matt Johnson
  2. Remy Wang
  3. Haotian Jiang
  4. Han Zhang
  5. Nick Nuechterlein