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This is a wiki page created for communicating on the research progress of analysing high-throughout sequencing(HTS) data.

Currently the people involved are Larry, Daniel, Elizabeth, Tony, Lilyana and Mirela.

2010. May 10-13 Lilyana's task list:

 - Repeated DESeq with different adjusted p-value cutoff (0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001) - results in dropbox: RNA-Seq_update051010.pdf
 - Repeated DEGseq (with RPKM normalization) with rRNA-filtered reads
 - Uploaded GOseq paper (Young et al, Genome Biology 2010) in dropbox
 - Trial run of GOseq with diapause-enriched data 

2010. Mar 10

We should start making a TODO list then assign them. Add more or edit this list:

   * Data Collection
         o Download Lilyana's data (done by E)
         o Download mm9 genome build (done by E)
         o Establish a list of ncRNAs (done by D)
         o Establish a list of coding genes 
   * Software Setup
         o Setup a local running version of Galaxy 
   * Analysis
         o Run TopHat (and cufflinks?) 

It might be better if we expand this list into sections instead?