Talk:ITLPviii Group Kotter

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What is the Discussion Page all about?

We can use this as a sort of out-of-band area to discuss meta issues, without muddling up the article page. See also this discussion about Using talk pages.

How should we structure our collaboration space?

Jim has posted his thoughts about the article in a different space, and is posting broad discussion points in this space (great points, too, I think). We need both, for sure. But I think it would be helpful to have some mutual agreement on "how to collaborate". We've got so many tools at our disposal - including live, interactive ones! I'm thinking that maybe a group phone call might be a good way to sort of lay down some basic ideas and ground rules. (Of course that brings up the scheduling problem. And Jim recently discovered a great solution to that: doodle. I will set up a doodle "poll", and we can find a mutual time to talk by phone.) Lundberg 09:21, 3 May 2007 (PDT)

Conf Call scheduling - May 21-25