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What is ORCA?

Short for "One Regional Card for All", the ORCA card is a smart-card based system for unifying the fare systems of the major Puget Sound transportation providers.

There is a beta-test for system starting in late October. Volunteers can sign up at:


Also see Metro KC's site:


ORCA In the News

http://www.metrokc.gov/kcdot/news/2006/nr060828_smartcard.htm http://uwnews.washington.edu/ni/uweek/uweekarticle.asp?articleID=26783 http://www.thestranger.com/blog/2006/09/smart_card_for_trans.php http://community.livejournal.com/uw/1595079.html

What does this mean for UW students?

The ORCA card will replace the existing Husky Card. Services currently managed with stickers (enrollment validation, UPASS) will now be managed electronically. See this article for more details.

What does this really mean for me?

It's interesting to read the through the term's and conditions of the ORCA test:
