CS education seminar

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CSE 590ET Seminar Overview

As of 2005 Winter, this is the new wiki for the CS education seminar CSE 590ET. Although it is officially titled Educational Technology, the seminar's topics include anything related to the practice of teaching CS, including general engineering education. The seminar is open to anyone interested in CS/engineering education (including undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty, regardless of department). In a typical week, we read a short article and meet for an informal discussion.

Attendees should subscribe to the seminar mailing list, whose web archives are available for list members.

The seminar is affiliated with the Education and Technology research group in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Home pages for past offerings are linked on the department's main page for CSE 590ET. Contact Richard Anderson for more information.

2005 Winter Offering

Time: Thursdays, 9:20 - 10:20 AM

Location: CSE 303 (except first two meetings will take place in CSE 305)

Winter quarter the ET seminar will focus on technology and teaching. Each week we will look at a different technology and discuss the following issues:

  1. Usability, interface design
  2. Educational theory underlying the technology
  3. Teaching/learning practices that the technology affords/enables
  4. Teaching advice: when and how we should use the technology when teaching

candidate topics list (subject to change and suggestion):

  1. Tutoring systems
  2. Distance learning (synchronous)
  3. Classroom Response Systems
  4. Student Submissions
  5. Handheld devices (Solloway)
  6. Tutored Video Instruction
  7. Digital Ink-based presentation
  8. Programming environments (this could easily span multiple weeks)


date topic resources discussion
Jan 6 Student submissions with Classroom Presenter Simon et al. ITiCSE 2004 Richard Anderson Demo in CSE 305
Jan 13 Student submissions with Classroom Presenter Richard Anderson Seminar particants will demonstrate activities to the 'Class'. In 305
Jan 20 Hand held devices in the classroom More than Just Fun and Games Sarah Schwarm CSE 303
Jan 27 Classtalk: A Classroom Communication System for Active Learning Dufresne et al. Jon Froehlich
Feb 3 The E-Gems Project Computer Games, Education and Interfaces: The E-GEMS Project Shamus Johnson
Feb 10
Feb 17
Feb 24: Cancelled for SIGCSE
March 3
March 10